Ecological Effects of Environmental Change 2012

Capture d’écran 2013-06-24 à 10.32.34The CNRS and “Ecology Letters” have sponsored a conference on the 22nd of June in Paris with the aim that major contributors to the ecological effects of environmental change present their latest findings, and participate in discussions with researchers and post-doctoral students about important unanswered questions, and cutting-edge approaches to answering them.
This event was organized byMike Hochbergand Marcel Holyoak
With presentations by Drs Chris Thomas (University of York, UK), Jonathan Chase (USA), Jean-Michel Gaillard (Lyon, CNRS), Andrew Hector (University of Zurich, CH), Nancy Johnson (Arizona University, US), Michel Loreau (Moulis, CNRS & McGill University, Canada), Hélène Morlon (Saclay, CNRS), Camille Parmesan (Texas University, US & Plymouth University, UK), Peter Thrall (CSIRO, Australia), and Wilfried Thuiller (Grenoble, CNRS).
A special issu ofEcology Lettershave been published after this conference; with two papers involving members of our group :
Luque G.M.Hochberg M.E., Holyoak M., Hossaert M., Gaill F. and Courchamp F. (2013).Ecological effects of environmental change. Ecology Letters 16: 1-3.
Thuiller, W., Münkemüller, T, Lavergne, S., Mouillot, D.,Mouquet, N., Schiffers, K. & Gravel, D.A road map for integrating eco-evolutionary processes into biodiversity models. Ecology Letters 16: 94-105. DOI:10.1111/ele.12104