Here is a list of our publications since 2015


Teodoro-Paulo, J., Alba, J. M.,Charlesworth, S., Kant, M.R., Magalhães, S. and Duncan, A.B. (2023) Intraspecific variation for host immune activation by the spider mite Tetranychus evansi. Royal Society Open Science, 10: 230525.

Godinho DP, Rodrigues LR, Lefèvre S, Delteil L, Mira AF, Fragata IR, Magalhães, S. and Duncan, A.B. (2023) Limited host availability disrupts the genetic correlation between virulence and transmission. Evolution Letters, 7(1):58-66.

Noël, E., Lefèvre, L., Varoqui, M. and Duncan, A. B. (2023) The scale of competition impacts parasite virulence evolution. Evolutionary Ecology, 37, 153-163.


Deshpande J. N., Kaltz O. &Fronhofer E. A.(2021)Host-parasite dynamics set the ecological theatre for the evolution of state- and context-dependent dispersal in hosts.Oikos130: 121-132.

Nørgaard, L.S.*,Zilio, G.*,Saade, C.,Gougat-Barbera, C.,Hall, M.D.,Fronhofer, E.A., andKaltz, O.(2021,in press Ecology Letters). An evolutionary trade-off between parasite virulence and dispersal at experimental invasion fronts. bioRxiv; doi:*: equal contributions

Rodrigues, L. R., Torralba Sáez, M., Alpedrinha, J.,Lefèvre, S., Brengues, M., Magalhães, S. andDuncan, A.B.Consequences of population structure for sex allocation and sexual conflict.Journal of Evolutionary Biology,34 (3)525 – 536.


Weiler J.,Zilio,G., Zeballos, N., Nørgaard, L.S., Conce Alberto W.D., Krenek S.,  Kaltz, O., Bright, L. (2020).Among-strain variation in resistance ofParamecium caudatumto the endonuclear parasiteHolospora undulata: geographic and lineage-specific patterns
Front. Microbiol. 11:603046. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2020.603046

Zilio, G.and Koella, J.C. (2020).Sequential co-infections drive parasite competition and the outcome of infection.Journal of Animal Ecology. doi: 10.1111/1365-2656.13302

Little C. J.,Fronhofer E. A. & Altermatt F. (2020)Nonlinear effects of intraspecific competition alter landscape-wide upscaling of ecosystem function.The American Naturalist195: 432-444.

Harvey E., Gounand I.,Fronhofer E. A.& Altermatt F. (2020)Metaecosystem dynamics drive community composition in experimental, multi-layered spatial networks.Oikos129: 402-412.

Moerman F., Arquint A., Merkli S., Wagner A., Altermatt F. &Fronhofer E. A.(2020)Evolution under pH stress and high population densities leads to increased density-dependent fitness in the protistTetrahymena thermophila.Evolution74: 573-586.

Tabi A., Pennekamp F., Altermatt F., Alther R.,Fronhofer E. A., Horgan K., Pontarp M., Mächler E., Petchey O. & Saavedra S. (2020)Species multidimensional effects explain idiosyncratic responses of communities to environmental change.Nature Ecology and Evolution4: 1036-1043.

Cairns J.,Moerman F.,Fronhofer E. A., Altermatt F. & Hiltunen T. (2020)Evolution in interacting species alters predator life history traits, behavior and morphology in experimental microbial communities.Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences287: 20200652.

Carraro L., Bertuzzo E.,Fronhofer E. A., Furrer R., Gounand I., Rinaldo A. &  Altermatt F. (2020)Generation and application of river networks analogues for use in ecology and evolution.Ecology and Evolution10: 7537-7550.

Moerman F.,Fronhofer E. A., Wagner A. & Altermatt F. (2020)Sex and gene flow modulate evolution during range expansions in the protistTetrahymena thermophila.Biology Letters16: 20200244.


Thompson P. L. &Fronhofer E. A.(2019)The conflict between adaptation and dispersal for maintaining biodiversity in changing environments.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America116: 21061-21067.

Thiévent, K.,Zilio, G., Hauser, G., and Koella, J.C. (2019).Malaria load affects the salivary apyrase activity of mosquitoes.Journal of Insect Physiology, 116, 10-16.

Govaert* L.,Fronhofer E. A.*, Lion S., Eizaguirre C., Bonte D., Egas M., Hendry A. P., Martins A. D. B., Melián C. J., Raeymaekers J., Ratikainen I. I., Saether B.-E., Schweitzer J. A. and Matthews B. (2019)Eco-evolutionary feedbacks – theoretical models and perspectives.Functional Ecology33: 13-30. *: equal contributions

Little C. J.,Fronhofer E. A.& Altermatt F. (2019)Dispersal syndromes can impact ecosystem functioning in spatially structured freshwater populations.Biology Letters15: 20180865.

Mächler E., Little C. J., Wüthrich R., Alther R.,Fronhofer E. A., Gounand I., Harvey E., Hürlemann S., Walser J.-C. & Altermatt F. (2019)Assessing different components of diversity across a river network using eDNA.Environmental DNA1: 290-301.

François, S., Mutuel, D., Duncan, A.B., Rodrigues, L.R., Danzelle, C., Lefèvre, S., Santos, I., Frayssinet, M., Fernandez, E. Filloux, D., Roumagnac, P., Froissart, R. and Ogliastro, M. (2019) A new prevalent densovirus in Acari. Insight from metagenomics in viral communities associated with two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae) populations. Viruses, 11, E233.


Fronhofer E. A., Legrand D., Altermatt F., Ansart A., Blanchet S., Bonte D., Chaine A., Dahirel M., De Laender, F., De Raedt J., di Gesu L., Jacob S.,Kaltz O., Laurent E., Little C. J., Madec L.,Manzi F., Masier S., Pellerin F., Pennekamp F., Schtickzelle N., Therry L., Vong A., Winandy L. & Cote J. (2018)Bottom-up and top-down control of dispersal across major organismal groups.Nature Ecology and Evolution2: 1859-1863.

Harvey E., Gounand I.,Fronhofer E. A.& Altermatt F. (2018)Disturbance reverses classic island biogeography predictions in river-like landscapes.Proceedings of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences285: 20182441.

Fronhofer E. A., Liebig J., Mitesser O. & Poethke H. J. (2018)Eusociality outcompetes egalitarian and solitary strategies when resources are limited and reproduction is costly.Ecology and Evolution8: 12953-12964.

Pennekamp F., Pontarp M., Tabi A., Altermatt F., Alther R., Choffat Y.,Fronhofer E. A., Ganesanandamoorthy P., Garnier A., Griffiths J. I., Greene S., Horgan K., Massie T. M., Mächler E., Palamara G.-M., Seymour M. & Petchey O. L. (2018)Biodiversity increases and decreases ecosystem stability.Nature532: 109-112.

Zélé, F., Magalhães, S., Kéfi, S, and Duncan, A.B. (2018) Ecology and evolution of facilitation among symbionts. Nature Communications, 9:4869.                                                              

Duncan, A. B., Dusi, E., Schrallhammer, M. Berendonk, T. and Kaltz, O. (2018) Population-level dynamics in experimental mixed infections: evidence for competitive exclusion among bacterial parasites of Paramecium caudatum. Oikos, 127, 1380 – 1389.

 Duncan, A. B.*, Marinosci, C.*, Devaux, C., Lefèvre, S., Magalhães, S., Griffin, J. L3, Valente, A. Ronce, O and Olivieri, I. (2018) Transgeneration cues about local mate competition affect offspring sex ratios in the spider mite Tetranychus urticae. bioRxiv, 240127. Peer reviewed and recommended by PCI Evolutionary Biology.


Castillo JP, Rebolledo R, Arim M,Hochberg ME& Marquet PA. 2017. The network structure of cancer ecosystems. BioRxiv doi:

Bacevic K, Noble R, Soffar A, Ammar OW, Boszonyik B, Prieto S, Vincent C,Hochberg ME, Krasinska L & Fisher D. 2017. Spatial competition constrains resistance to targeted cancer therapy. Nature Communications 8: 1995.

Hochberg ME. 2017. Six wedges to curing disease. PeerJ Preprints 5:e3378v1

Hochberg M.E., Marquet P.A., Boyd R. & Wagner A. 2017. Innovation: an emerging focus from cells to societies. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 372: 20160414

Gurney J, Aldakak L, Betts A, Gougat-Barbera C, Poisot T,Kaltz O&Hochberg ME.2017. Network structure and local adaptation in coevolving bacteria phage interactions. Molecular Ecology 26:1764-1777

Duncan AB, Dusi E, Jacob F, Ramsayer J,Hochberg ME&Kaltz O. 2017. Hot spots become cold spots: coevolution in variable temperature environments. J Evol Biol 30:55-65.

Hochberg ME& Noble RJ. 2017. A framework for how environment contributes to cancer risk. Ecology Letters 20:117-134.

Vasse M., Noble R.J., Akhmetzhanov A.R., Torres-Barceló C., Gurney J., Benateau S., Gougat-Barbera C,Kaltz O. &Hochberg M.E. 2017. Antibiotic stress selects against cooperation in the pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. PNAS 114:546-551

Killeen, J., Gougat-Barbera, C., Krenek, S., &Kaltz, O.(2017). Evolutionary rescue and local adaptation under different rates of temperature increase: a combined analysis of changes in phenotype expression and genotype frequency in Paramecium microcosms.Molecular Ecology,26(7), 1734–1746. doi:10.1111/mec.14068.


Hochberg ME, Noble RJ & Braude S. 2016. A hypothesis to explain cancers in confined colonies of naked mole rats. BioRxiv doi:

Torres-Barceló C. &Hochberg M.E.2016. Evolutionary rationale for phages as complements of antibiotics. Trends in Microbiology 24:249-56

Torres-Barceló C., Franzon B., Vasse M. &Hochberg M.E.2016. Long-term effects of single and combined introductions of antibiotics and bacteriophages on populations of Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Evolutionary Applications 9: 583–595

Noble R.J.,Kaltz O., Nunney L. &Hochberg ME.2016. Overestimating the role of environment in cancers. Cancer Prevention Research 9:773-776. doi:10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-16-0126.

Axtell R., Kirman A., Couzin I.D., Fricke D., Hens T.,Hochberg M.E., Mayfield J.E., Schuster P., Sethi R. 2016. Challenges of Integrating Complexity and Evolution into Economics. Pp 65-81 in Complexity and Evolution: Toward a New Synthesis for Economics. D.S. Wilson & A. Kirman (eds.). Strungmann Forum Reports. MIT Press.

Bataillon et al. 2016. Evolution expérimentale. In:Biologie Evolutive(Editors: F. Thomas, T. Lefèvre and M. Raymond), pp. 617-646. De Boeck, Collection LMD.
Kaltz, O., R. Froissart, S. Gandon. 2016. La phagothérapie et l’essor de l’écologie évolutive. Biofutur, 373, 36-40.


Dusi, E, C. Gougat-Barbera, T. U. Berendonk,O. Kaltz. 2015. Long-term selection experiment produces breakdown of horizontal transmissibility in parasite with mixed transmission mode. Evolution, 69, 1069-76.

Duncan, A. B., A. Gonzalez andO. Kaltz. 2015. Dispersal, environmental forcing and parasites combine to affect metapopulation synchrony and stability. Ecology, 96, 284-290.

Banerji, A., A. B. Duncan, J. S. Griffin, S. Humphries, O. L. Petchey andO. Kaltz. 2015. Density- and trait-mediated effects of a parasite and a predator in a tri-trophic food web. Journal of Animal Ecology, 84, 723-733.

Faure, D., P. Bonin, D. Duran & the Microbial Ecology EC2CO consortium. 2015. Environmental microbiology as a mosaic of explored ecosystems and issues. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 22, 13577–13598.

Noble R.,Kaltz O. &Hochberg M.E.2015. Statistical interpretations and new findings on Variation in Cancer Risk Among Tissues.arXivq-bio arXiv:1502.01061

Courchamp F., Dunne J., Le Maho Y., May R.M., Thébaud C. &Hochberg M.E.2015. Fundamental Ecology is Fundamental.Trends in Ecology and Evolution30:9-15  DOI 10.1016/j.tree.2014.11.005

Hochberg M.E.and Jansen G. 2015. Bacteria: Assessing resistance to new antibiotics.Nature519: 158.

Poisot T., Kéfi S., Morand S., Stanko M., Marquet P.A. &Hochberg M.E.2015. A Continuum of Specialists and Generalists in Empirical Communities. PLOS ONE 10(5): e0114674.

Nunney L., Maley C.C., Breen M.,Hochberg M.E.& Schiffman J.D. 2015. Peto’s paradox and the promise of comparative oncology. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 370: 20140177

Aktipis C.A., Boddy A.M., Jansen G., Hibner U.,Hochberg M.E., Maley C & Wilkinson GS. 2015. Cancer across the tree of life: cooperation and cheating in multicellularity. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 370, 20140219

Kokko H. &Hochberg M.E. 2015. Towards cancer-aware life-history modelling. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 370, 20140234

Noble R.,Kaltz O. &Hochberg M.E. 2015. Peto’s paradox and human cancers. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B 370, 20150104

Courchamp F., Dunne J., Le Maho Y., May R.M., Thébaud C. &Hochberg M.E. 2015. Back to the Fundamentals: a Reply to Barot et al.Trends in Ecology and EvolutionDOI:10.1016/j.tree.2015.05.003

Akhmetzhanov A.R. &Hochberg M.E. 2015. Dynamics of preventive versus post-diagnostic cancer control using low-impact measures.eLife10.7554/eLife.06266

Salali G.D., Whitehouse H. &Hochberg M.E. 2015. A Life-Cycle Model of Human Social Groups Produces a U-Shaped Distribution in Group Size. PLoS ONE  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0138496

Vasse M., Torres-Barceló C. &Hochberg M.E. 2015. Phage selection for bacterial cheats leads to population decline.Proceedings of the Royal Society of LondonB 282, 20152207; DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2015.2207