Alison B. Duncan

CNRS researcher CR
Alison B. Duncan – CNRS researcher
My work looks mostly at the evolutionary ecology of host-parasite interactions across a variety of model systems. My main project at the moment is investigating parasite virulence and transmission evolution in response to competition or facilitation with other parasites. This is being done in spider mites (Tetranychus spp. and plant viruses). Recent work has also investigated sex allocation evolution and sexual conflict in the spider mite T. urticae.
Recent publications
Godinho, D. Rodrigues L.R. Lefèvre S, Magalhães, S. and Duncan, A.B. Coinfection acelarates transmission to new hosts despite no effects on virulence and parasite growth. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. Accepted.
Fronhofer E. A., Bonte D., Bestion E., Cote J., Deshpande J. N., Duncan A. B., Hovestadt T., Kaltz O., Keith S., Kokko H., Legrand D., Malusare S. P., Parmentier T., Saade C., Schtickzelle N., Zilio G. & Massol, F. Evolutionary ecology of dispersal in biodiverse spatially structured systems: what is old and what is new? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences. Accepted.
Bestion E., Legrand D., Baines C., Bonte D., Coulon A., Dahirel M., Delgado M., Deshpande J. N., Duncan A. B., Fronhofer E. A., Gounand I., Jacob S., Kaltz O., Massol F., Matthysen E., Parmentier T., Saade C., Schtickzelle N., Zilio G. & Cote J. Species interactions affect dispersal: a meta-analysis. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Science. Accepted.
Zilio G. , Deshpande J. N., Duncan A.B., Fronhofer E. A., Kaltz O. (2024) Dispersal evolution and eco-evolutionary dynamics in antagonistic species interactions, Trends in Ecology & Evolution.
Teodoro-Paulo, J., Deere, J.A., Valeriano-Santos, J. Charlesworth, S., Duncan A.B,, Kant, M.R., Alba J.M.. (2024) Rising temperatures favour defence-suppressing herbivores. Journal of Pest Science
Teodoro-Paulo, J., Alba, J. M.,Charlesworth, S., Kant, M.R., Magalhães, S. and Duncan, A.B. (2023) Intraspecific variation for host immune activation by the spider mite Tetranychus evansi. Royal Society Open Science, 10: 230525.
Godinho DP, Rodrigues LR, Lefèvre S, Delteil L, Mira AF, Fragata IR, Magalhães, S. and Duncan, A.B. (2023) Limited host availability disrupts the genetic correlation between virulence and transmission. Evolution Letters, 7(1):58-66.
Noël, E., Lefèvre, L., Varoqui, M. and Duncan, A. B. (2023) The scale of competition impacts parasite virulence evolution. Evolutionary Ecology, 37, 153-163.