Florian Holon

Florian Holon


PhD withJulie DeterandNicolas Mouquet

florian.holon (at) andromede-ocean.com
I am interested in the mechanisms involved in the distribution of coralligenous assemblages diversity.
Coralligenous concretions are biogenic reefs dues to sciaphilic algae and animal builders. The resulting patchwork of complex micro-habitats and species present richness, biomass and productivity equivalent to tropical reefs (Bianchi, 2001). Hard to reach with classical diving methods, they are poorly studied in comparison with their high ecological importance.
My thesis (2013-2016,Andromède océanologie/ Labex CeMED found) is based on data issued from a monitoring network called RECOR (Agence de l’eau RMC / Andromède océanologie).
1) Deter J., Descamp P., Ballesta L., Boissery P.,HolonF. A preliminary study toward an index based on coralligenous assemblages for the ecological status assessment of Meditteranean French coastal waters. Ecological Indicators. 2012. 20: 345-352
2) Deter J., Descamp P., Boissery P., Ballesta L.,HolonF. A rapid photographic method detects depth gradient in coralligenous assemblages. Journal of experimental Marine Biology and Ecology. 2012. 418_419. 75-82

coralligene pour site eec